Last week when I was back in KK, I saw my brother Aron playing with this square thing. His interest about this thing was so extreme untill he will bring it anywhere he goes (even into the loo..hehehehe). He is so obsesse about it until he will do the thing before he went to sleep.
Well, my brother now is a pro for solving the 3x3x3 rubik. Since he became bored of the 3x3x3 rubik (sebab balik2 sudah dia solve to rubik), then I bought the 6x6x6 rubik as a birthday give to him (nah tunggang tebalik dia buat sampai mo suru jual balik hehehehee).
While watching him trying to solve the 6x6x6, I took the 3x3x3 and try to solve. It was so hard (bagi saya lah sebab saya betul2 tia tau macam mana mo buat). But then, I still want to try..I bought one for the 3x3x3 rubik but until today I only manage to solve one side.
I will not give up! I'm still learning and trying...hehehehee
p/s: Tidak tau si Aron punya 6x6x6 sudah siap atau belum. Apalah perkembangan dia tu a...
belum siap. wakakakaka he was soo frustrated that he ignore it till now. kecian tu rubik. LOL
ahahahahha baru dia tia tau yang dia tia hebat! heheheee
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