Thursday, September 4, 2008

Make a Difference

Ever say to yourself. "But I'm just one person, what can I do?" Hitler was just one person, look what he did. Ok bad example, but the point is YOU can make a difference and this article is designed to inform you how.
  1. Acceptance is the first step toward recovery
  2. Recycling (Saw that coming?) What's the big deal? Use a separate trash can for plastic, use paper grocery bags to hold on newspapers while they wait to be taken to the recycling center, throw all the plastic bags into a bigger plastic bag for the same purpose. And if you're not into recycling, how about just not littering.
  3. Adopt a pet/animal
  4. Ride a bike or walk if possible, why? Everybody needs the exercise.
  5. Donate to charity (Don't have money? Well there's so many type of things you can donate)
  6. Volunteer, "But I don't have the time!" Nah, what are you doing during those long hours in front of the computer screen?
  7. Use MSN Messenger? add a simple *help to your name and MSN will donate a small portion to charity for every conversation you have.(Learn more at
  8. Purchase a fuel-efficient car.
  9. Develop a fuel efficient car.
  10. Plant a Tree
  11. Help someone


osindak said...

Hi Juliet! Lama I didn't visit you, Soreee... And Congratulations on your convocation! *hugs* Take care, God bless (p.s. my new blog add kio)

Juliet Felicity said...

hie susan..

Thank u so much for the visit and thak you for the wish. Congratulation to u too :)