Monday, June 16, 2008

Especially To...

This post is dedicated to the one and only person that I know who turn 31 today...

31 is just a number. Don't stop having fun and don't stop being young. Stop thinking that you are old (walaupun sememangnya iyahhh hehhehe).Well, mana boleh bagi apa2 tunggu jak lah sia balik nanti....itupun kalau sia ada duit lah kan kan kan

At least I gave a a special birthday cake. Nice kan?

And the luckiest person would be......(drum roll!!!!)

My sister Quirin
Jom nyanyi ramai2 happy born day to you...happy born day to you....happy born day to Quirin....Happy born day to YOU!!!!
(smart kan nie pic hehehehehe)

1 comment:

queen quirin said...

arghhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! cuba taruk gambar yg seksi ckit!!!!!!! I want that teddy bear!!!!!!!!