In two days I have a dozen of temporary tattoo on my hand. Thank God it's not permanent or else I'll be crying non stop to cover it up.
Last Monday my Dr. told me that I need to be hospitalize immediately due to some complication which can't be delayed and it's really making my life in danger. I may not wish to share more stories about it here as it's a sensitive thing for me at the moment. But what I want to share with you guys is the effect after the hospitalization. Oh by the way, I was discharge yesterday. Thank You GOD!
Okay, the after party results was.... bruises and needle marks on both of my hands. Dr. inform me that my vein is so small until they have to use the smallest needles which is basically meant for kids. Oh well what can I say, my vein did not grow along with my body.
Enough mumbling here, pictures below explain the end results.
Needle mark. Second drips was inserted through here.
Bruise cause by clog when the third drips being inserted.
Dr. tried 3 times to get my vein and failed all 3 of the attempt.
4 tries and all failed as well.
Tried to get some blood sample, end up no blood collected and bruises appeared
Right hand swollen
This is the coolest among all. Dr. tried to get some blood, inserted the needled and no vein could be found. Tried to move the needle here an there in the skin and still not vein found. At last Dr. give up and the marks started showing up. It looks like hearth shape right? Supper cool! hehehehhe
jgn2 dr baru belajar ni...hehehe
Mimang pun! ada 4 org Dr. 1 pakar bius, 3 Houseman.
OMGGGG!!!!!!!!! I know how pain is it with 1 needle... ini 1 badan....
Kesian betul oh you... nanti jadi phobia lah kau ni... me baru silap 1x the nurse.. I suda phobia.. but still have to go thru...
take care
I'm sorry this happen to u, Juliet. Kesiannya ko. Harap-harap ko cepat sembuh aa. An experienced person (with needle) should know what they are doing. Baru-baru ini sia pun ada kena ambil darah. Lebam berhari-hari juga, tapi badan sia memang andang begitu. kena cubit sikit pun lebam sudah.
nurse yg ambil darah sia tepuk2 sikit jak tangan sia, terus dia tau di mana mo cucuk. tiada pula dia cari-cari di mana urat sia. urat saya pun memang tidak timbul punya. memang manusia punya vein terletak lebih kurang di tempat yang sama saja bah.
tangan ko ... ya tuhan... hitam bah! merata-rata lagi durang cucuk ko tu. ciaan betul ko ooo.
get well soon ah? n take care f urself. klu sia sana, sia pigi melawat ko sudah daaa..
Kalau cakap phobia memang ada juga.Especially tangan kiri coz my left hand really hard for the vein to show themselves.
Now every time Dr. or the nurses want to take my blood, I will strait away tell them take it from my right hand.Tapi ada juga yang keras kepala.Mcm confident betul yg durang buli dapat.
Hebat kan tu Dr. yang ambil darah sia tu? hehehhe sia hairan o macam mana diaorang buli lulus. Sampai got one time the Dr. really can't find my vein dia minta tolong the nurse. Senang2 ja tu nurse jumpa.
Time sia di wad,bila ada nurse tanya kenapa tangan sia lebam, selamba jak sia cakap sia kena dera oleh DR. ahahahah. Tu Dr. yg kasih lebam tangan sia, lepas dia sudah buat macam tu, berhari hari sia ndak jumpa batang idung dia.
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